Friday, March 23, 2012

The Defining Moment

"I have O negative blood type.  Maybe I could help Sara."  The thought slipped ever so easily into my mind, and rest assured, it was there to stay.   I did not mention it to anyone.  It seemed best to keep it to myself and begin to pray about it.  Over the next few days, I began to pray and ask God to show me if I was supposed to go further with this one simple thought.  This was a big step into unknown territory.  If this was where He was leading me, I was willing to go.  But, I needed solid confirmation that He wanted me to take that first step.

The next Sunday, I was sitting in choir in my usual spot beside Sara.  When the pastor began his sermon, he referenced Romans 12:1-2. All I heard him say was, "We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice."  From that moment on, I don't know that I heard anything else that he said except for his continual reference to the scripture passage. At least four different times, I heard him refer back to the scripture, challenging all those present to present our bodies as living sacrifices." 

I will pause here and say that I am sure there was a deeper meaning to that morning's message.  He probably meant something to the effect of us living our lives in way that is pleasing and acceptable to God.  But, in all honesty, I have no clue what the sermon was about.  All I heard that day was to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.

Coincidence?  I am sure some would say, "Yes."  Many would argue that I was off on some religious tangent reading far too much into those two words.  I would not even waste my breathe to argue with such individuals, because I knew what I felt that day.  At the end of the service, my heart was about to pound out of my chest.  I waiting anxiously for a private moment with my spouse.  When the time finally came, I looked to him and without an inkling of doubt in my mind, said, "I think I am supposed to donate one of my kidneys to Sara." 


  1. This is such an important step and certainly self-sacrificing. Did you do this in the past or is this happening now? I hope that you were able to help Sara, even if just from a spiritual standpoint. God knows your heart.

  2. This April will be 5 years ago that I donated to her. She is doing great. I am now blogging the process to try to help raise awareness for a friend who is in need of a kidney. It was an amazing experience.
